Classique Espresso Monthly Subscription

Classique Espresso Monthly Subscription

from $21.00 every month

Components: San Carlos Bourbon Antigua, Guatemala

Altitude: 1500 meters

Process: Washed

Flavor Notes: Dark Chocolate, Brown Sugar, Nutty

The Classique is a ever changing curation of coffees that create a flavor reminiscent of your classic cup of coffee. Rich, chocolatey, sweet, and smooth. This coffee fills your tongue with luxurious notes of dark chocolate and brown sugar. It’s thick body is complimented with a pleasant balanced acidity. We love to brew this coffee as an espresso but it also makes a nice cup of filter coffee that you could drink all day.

**Please note that we roast on Wednesdays and ship on Thursday/Fridays. When your payment reoccurs your coffee will be roasted on the following Wednesday and shipped out Thursday/Friday.**

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